Foundation pouring
Before any of the major works can take place, we decided to lay the foundation of the kitchen extension. As typically drying of foundation concrete takes a while, and it could end up delaying works and cause inconvenience to various contractors.
Step one is to dig out the soil and prepare the cavity for the foundation.
Fortunately, we already had a solid foundation in the majority of the ground and only needed outer foundation and reinforcement.

The arrival of the concrete
Concrete truck and mixer arrive. This service is a must for time-saving. The mixer and pourer are able to fill a cavity for the foundation in few minutes. This would normally take days if you were to do it manually with a small team and barrel mixer.

Pouring of the Concrete
Once the pipes for the concrete were set up and checked for gaps. The pouring of the concrete begins.

Foundation drying
Foundation concrete mix has been poured in minutes and is now left to settle, dry and harden.